
MaxEnvironment is a class that represents objects and instances in the Max Environment.

Type Templates

When Game initializes, MaxEnvironment will use reflection to collect information about certain types used in the Max Environment.

  • MaxObjectTypes - Dictionary<Type, MaxObject> that contains a set of template instances of every class that inherits MaxObject type in the loaded assemblies. Each template object creates an array of prototype properties when being generated.
  • MaxDataTypes - Dictionary<Type, IDataType> that contains a set of template instances of every class that implements IDataType in the loaded assemblies.

When Game.InstanceCreate() or Game.CreateDatatype() is called, they will create an instance from the template by calling the template instance’s InstanceCreate() method.

MaxObject Instances

MaxEnvironment contains and manages all the MaxObject instances currently loaded in the Max Environment.

You can access an instance directly with its UID using the indexer.

// gets the MaxObject with the UID of "test"
MaxObject testObject = Game.Env[test];

Instance Management

There are several methods you can use to manage and test instances.

  • InstanceCreate() - Creates an instance of a given type.
  • InstanceDispose() - Disposes the instance provided.
  • InstanceExists() - Checks to see if an instance exists in the MaxEnvironment.

Instance List

All MaxObject instances that are active in the Max Environment are assigned a UID value (Unique ID). These instances are stored in a Dictionary<ulong, MaxObject>, Objects.

When an object is first created with Game.InstanceCreate(), the object is staged by calling StageCreatedObject(). When the Max Environment calls Update(), it will push the staged objects with PushCreatedObjects()

Likewise, when an object’s Dispose() method is called, the object is staged for destruction by calling StageDestroyedObject(), and is removed from the object list on the Max Environment’s next update by calling PushDestroyedObjects().