Instance Management

Instance management methods allow you to create, destroy and check if instances exist in the Max Environment.



To create an instance of a MaxObject class, use InstanceCreate().

// creates a new instance of TestObject
TestObject obj = Game.InstanceCreate<TestObject>();

This will create a new instance of your object and stage it in the Max Environment. When the Max Environment is updated, the instance is assigned a UID and pushed to the environment.


Disposes the given instance and removes it from the Max Environment. You can pass the object or its UID.

// pass the instance

// pass the UID

Note: If you still reference the instance somewhere in your program it won’t be picked up from the GC. It’s just released from the Max Environment.


Checks if the instance exists in the Max Environment given its UID.

// checks if the instance exists
	// do stuff here

Note: if the object is currently staged to be created, InstanceExists() will return false.