
MaxObject is an abstract class that represents an object in the Max Environment.


UID is the ulong unique ID assigned to the object by the kernel.


Control methods are called during certain points of the life cycle of the MaxObject.

Some methods are internal and are called by Game and its life cycle.

  • Initialize() - Initializes the object when its about to be pushed after being created.
  • Dispose() - Disposes the object and releases it from the environment when it is about to be pushed after being destroyed. Also calls Destroy(), which is overriden by the developer. Is also called when the instance’s deconstructor is called.

While others are public virtual and can be overridden in the inheriting class.

  • Create() - Routines that should run when the instance is created through Game.InstanceCreate().
  • Destroy() - Routines that should run when the instance is destroyed.

Properties are used to check the state of the object through this flow.

  • Initialized - Whether or not the object has called Initialize() yet.
  • Disposed - Whether or not the object has called Dispose() yet.

Max Property Management

Properties in MaxObjects are managed Max Properties. Use the MaxProperty attribute on any property that should be part of the Max Environment.

public IntArray Values
    get => (IntArray)get();
    set => set(value);

Properties are stored in the Dictionary<string, IDataType> Properties field.


AddProperty() is a protected method that adds a property to the property list.


get() and set() (notice they are lowercase) are methods that are used for the getters/setters with properties with the MaxProperty attribute. Both methods will pass System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName by default as the property’s key.

get() returns the IDataType stored at the property. It requires a cast.

set() takes any IDataType and sets it to the property value in the object’s property map.

Property Prototypes

When the MaxObject templates are created when the Max Environment initializes, property prototypes for each object are created with InitializePropertyPrototypes(). This method reflectively searches for all properties that contain the MaxProperty attribute and use the names stored for the attribute, based on the property’s reference name, and populates the Prototypes array.

When the object is created with Game.InstanceCreate(), it will create real properties based on the prototype template by calling AddPropertiesFromPrototypes().

Property prototypes are stored using the PrototypeProperty struct and stored in the field array Prototypes.

Create Instance

Any class that overrides MaxObject must define its own InstanceCreate() method which returns an instance of itself. This is used with Game.InstanceCreate() so that all instances created as part of the game are able to be managed by the game.

Simply return a new instance of this object.

protected override MaxObject InstanceCreate()
    return new TestObject();

Remember to always use Game.InstanceCreate() when creating instances in your game, otherwise they will not function properly as part of the Max Environment.