namespace max.process.arr.type


  • IDataType - An interface representing a data type in the Max environment.
  • MaxProperty - An attribute used on MaxObject properties to add them to the Max Environment.
  • MaxObject - An abstract class that represents an object in the max environment.
  • Array < T > - This abstract class represents an array managed by the Max Environment.
  • BoolArray - This class represents a boolean array managed by the Max Environment.
  • ByteArray - This class represents a byte array managed by the Max Environment.
  • CharArray - This class represents a char array managed by the Max Environment. Note that chars are 16-bit wide.
  • DoubleArray - This class represents a double array managed by the Max Environment.
  • FloatArray - This class represents a float array managed by the Max Environment.
  • IntArray - This class represents a signed 32-bit array managed by the Max Environment.
  • LongArray - This class represents a signed 64-bit array managed by the Max Environment.
  • SByteArray - This class represents a signed byte array managed by the Max Environment.
  • ShortArray - This class represents a signed 16-bit array managed by the Max Environment.
  • UIntArray - This class represents an unsigned 32-bit array managed by the Max Environment.
  • ULongArray - This class represents an unsigned 64-bit array managed by the Max Environment.
  • UShortArray - This class represents an unsigned 16-bit array managed by the Max Environment.